"It seems to be such a heavy and resistant table. What’s it made of?"
The suitable answer to this question is:
"It’s made of rubber."
"It’s made of wool."
"It’s made of cloth."
"It’s made of paper."
"It’s made of wood."
Holden (2009, p. 74) explica que, no contexto educacional, um texto autêntico é aquele que "foi escrito para uso no mundo 'real', e não especialmente para estudantes de inglês". Assim, leia as assertivas, a seguir, sobre a utilização desse recurso em sala de aula:
(I) deve-se considerar o nível do aprendiz e apresentá-lo a textos autênticos progressivamente.
(II) esse tipo de material deve ser introduzido nas séries finais, quando o aluno estiver preparado.
(III) os “textos autênticos” são os que circulam nos meios sociais e podem ser escritos ou falados.
(IV) textos longos são os mais indicados para esse tipo de trabalho, por sua variedade de itens.
(V) os textos devem ser buscados em diferentes fontes e abordar assuntos atuais e interessantes.
As assertivas que se referem a cuidados a serem tomados durante o trabalho com textos autênticos nas aulas de língua inglesa são:
I, II e IV.
I, III e V.
II, III e V.
I, III e IV.
Read the text below and get acquainted with one of the most important Brazilian capitals.
With its 19th century architecture, Belém retains shades of the “Tropical Paris”
The capital of Pará received 640,000 visitors in 2015. Walking through the city, they would no doubt have stumbled across traces of its former rubber glory, like the Theatro da Paz, built in 1878.
It was built by rubber barons and used to receive operas and foreign theatre companies. It is still in use today, hosting Brazilian companies and an opera festival. The building is open to tourists, and entry costs R$6 (US $1.46).
By the waterfront in the old city, the Ver-o-Peso open-air market is unmissable. Visitors can see women making tacacá (manioc soup) and buy chestnuts, açaí, the medicinal herb jambu and many other local products.
If hunger strikes, stalls sell fish with açaí - a local delicacy. The fruit is served unsweetened, without the sugar that tends to be added in São Paulo and Rio.
A little further on is Mangal das Garças, a park opened in 2005. It is 40,000m2 and entry is free. It has flamingos and wild lizards, as well as a butterfly house - a reminder, that in spite of its rubber belle époque, Belém remains at the heart of the Amazon.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 fev. 2016.
According to the text, consider the following statements about the touristic attractions of Belém:
I) visitors are charged to access an attraction that houses animals.
II) traditional goods are found in the contemporary part of Belém.
III) profits of rubber commerce helped build a great cultural space.
IV) local stalls have a particular way to prepare a well-known fruit.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
I and III.
II and III.
I and IV.
III and IV.
Leia, a seguir, um trecho de reportagem sobre os homens Neandertais.
Neanderthals' lack of artistic skills may have led to their extinction because they were unable to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to hunt
Neanderthal art is not known for being impressive. Unlike Homo sapiens, our ancient cousins were unable to draw recognisable images of animals or people. Now, new research claims this lack of artistic ability was closely related to Neanderthals' inferior hunting skills. Both drawing and hunting require hand-eye coordination, which Neanderthals did not have – a fact that scientists say may have led to their extinction.
Neanderthals existed mainly in Eurasia between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago and used thrusting spears at close range to kill horses, reindeer, bison, and other large game that had not developed an innate wariness of humans. Meanwhile, early humans (Homo Sapiens) hunted dangerous animals using throwing spears in sub-Saharan Africa for more than 500,000 years.
Throwing spears, rather than thrusting them, made hunters better at visualisation. As a result, Homo Sapiens developed a bigger parietal cortex – the area in the brain that integrates visual input and motor skills. This meant that they could also make art about hunting, which acted as a type of practice for our ancestors, because drawing developed their hand-eye coordination.
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2018.
to hunt = caçar
thrusting spears = lanças de mão
throwing spears = lanças de arremessar
throw = arremessar
at close range = a curta distância
game = a atividade de caça esportiva ou para consumo; ou os animais caçados
Leias as assertivas a seguir com base no texto sobre os Neandertais:
(I) Apesar de terem cérebros grandes, os Neandertais não desenhavam de modo claro.
(II) A coordenação entre mãos e olhos é necessária somente para desenhar, mas não para caçar.
(III) As diferenças artísticas entre os Neandertais e o Homo sapiens podem estar relacionadas aos seus estilos de caça.
(IV) Os primeiros Homo sapiens também não conseguiam desenhar os animais que caçavam.
(V) Essas diferenças podem explicar por que os humanos se tornaram mais coordenados que os Neandertais.
De acordo com o texto de referência, estão erradas apenas as assertivas:
I, III e IV.
I, IV e V.
II e IV.
I, II e III.
IV e V.
Norma is learning how to use a computer. Read one of her questions to her instructor.
Norma: “What should I do now?”
Instructor: “Put the cursor on the toolbar ____________.”
The option that completes the instructor’s answer is:
selected a command.
to selecting a command.
select a command.
selecting a command.
to select a command.
Leia sobre como praticar a habilidade de listening online por meio de podcasts (arquivos de áudio).
Learn English with free podcasts
Living in the digital age has quite a few benefits – especially when it comes to (cat videos and) language learning. You can improve your English at the push of a button – for example with podcasts. To get you started, here are the best podcasts for elementary learners. Happy listening!
Elementary-level podcasts
1) Learn English
Let’s start with ‘Learn English’ – a fantastic podcast from the British Council. The episodes are discussion-based and cover everyday vocabulary and situations. This website also offers a lot of free support material. You can download each episode’s transcript and also take short quizzes to test your recently acquired knowledge. It’s the best way to retain new words and make quick progress.
2) Voice of America
Do you want to improve your English while listening to current and interesting topics? Then, ‘Voice of America: Learning English’ is for you! It has different kinds of audio programs covering different interests and narrated at a slower speed. The “American Mosaic” program discusses pop culture in the United States – such as the new movies. Meanwhile, U.S. history fans will enjoy “The Making of a Nation”. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: other podcasts focus on science and even grammar – so in addition to learning English, you’ll get super smart, too!
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 maio 2018.
Agora, marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) de acordo com o texto, e escolha a sequência correta:
( ) No site Learn English, pode-se responder perguntas sobre podcasts a respeito de atividades do dia a dia.
( ) Esse site oferece podcasts em forma de diálogos, assim como suas transcrições, e bastante material gratuito.
( ) Também é possível aprender e praticar speaking no site Learn English.
( ) No site Voice of America, pode-se ouvir diferentes podcasts sobre temas atuais gravados em um ritmo mais lento.
( ) Nesse site, você pode ouvir podcasts variados e acessar outros tipos de material extra.
F – F – V – V – F.
F – V – V – V – F.
V – V – F – V – F.
V – F – F – F – V.
V – F – F – V – V.
Read the following text about some of the Zikas features and observe the conjunction "if" in bold:
The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 14 mar. 2017.
Considering its meaning, "if" could be replaced by the following conjunction:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
"It’s made of rubber."
"It’s made of wool."
"It’s made of cloth."
"It’s made of paper."
"It’s made of wood."
Holden (2009, p. 74) explica que, no contexto educacional, um texto autêntico é aquele que "foi escrito para uso no mundo 'real', e não especialmente para estudantes de inglês". Assim, leia as assertivas, a seguir, sobre a utilização desse recurso em sala de aula:
(I) deve-se considerar o nível do aprendiz e apresentá-lo a textos autênticos progressivamente.
(II) esse tipo de material deve ser introduzido nas séries finais, quando o aluno estiver preparado.
(III) os “textos autênticos” são os que circulam nos meios sociais e podem ser escritos ou falados.
(IV) textos longos são os mais indicados para esse tipo de trabalho, por sua variedade de itens.
(V) os textos devem ser buscados em diferentes fontes e abordar assuntos atuais e interessantes.
As assertivas que se referem a cuidados a serem tomados durante o trabalho com textos autênticos nas aulas de língua inglesa são:
I, II e IV.
I, III e V.
II, III e V.
I, III e IV.
Read the text below and get acquainted with one of the most important Brazilian capitals.
With its 19th century architecture, Belém retains shades of the “Tropical Paris”
The capital of Pará received 640,000 visitors in 2015. Walking through the city, they would no doubt have stumbled across traces of its former rubber glory, like the Theatro da Paz, built in 1878.
It was built by rubber barons and used to receive operas and foreign theatre companies. It is still in use today, hosting Brazilian companies and an opera festival. The building is open to tourists, and entry costs R$6 (US $1.46).
By the waterfront in the old city, the Ver-o-Peso open-air market is unmissable. Visitors can see women making tacacá (manioc soup) and buy chestnuts, açaí, the medicinal herb jambu and many other local products.
If hunger strikes, stalls sell fish with açaí - a local delicacy. The fruit is served unsweetened, without the sugar that tends to be added in São Paulo and Rio.
A little further on is Mangal das Garças, a park opened in 2005. It is 40,000m2 and entry is free. It has flamingos and wild lizards, as well as a butterfly house - a reminder, that in spite of its rubber belle époque, Belém remains at the heart of the Amazon.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 fev. 2016.
According to the text, consider the following statements about the touristic attractions of Belém:
I) visitors are charged to access an attraction that houses animals.
II) traditional goods are found in the contemporary part of Belém.
III) profits of rubber commerce helped build a great cultural space.
IV) local stalls have a particular way to prepare a well-known fruit.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
I and III.
II and III.
I and IV.
III and IV.
Leia, a seguir, um trecho de reportagem sobre os homens Neandertais.
Neanderthals' lack of artistic skills may have led to their extinction because they were unable to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to hunt
Neanderthal art is not known for being impressive. Unlike Homo sapiens, our ancient cousins were unable to draw recognisable images of animals or people. Now, new research claims this lack of artistic ability was closely related to Neanderthals' inferior hunting skills. Both drawing and hunting require hand-eye coordination, which Neanderthals did not have – a fact that scientists say may have led to their extinction.
Neanderthals existed mainly in Eurasia between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago and used thrusting spears at close range to kill horses, reindeer, bison, and other large game that had not developed an innate wariness of humans. Meanwhile, early humans (Homo Sapiens) hunted dangerous animals using throwing spears in sub-Saharan Africa for more than 500,000 years.
Throwing spears, rather than thrusting them, made hunters better at visualisation. As a result, Homo Sapiens developed a bigger parietal cortex – the area in the brain that integrates visual input and motor skills. This meant that they could also make art about hunting, which acted as a type of practice for our ancestors, because drawing developed their hand-eye coordination.
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2018.
to hunt = caçar
thrusting spears = lanças de mão
throwing spears = lanças de arremessar
throw = arremessar
at close range = a curta distância
game = a atividade de caça esportiva ou para consumo; ou os animais caçados
Leias as assertivas a seguir com base no texto sobre os Neandertais:
(I) Apesar de terem cérebros grandes, os Neandertais não desenhavam de modo claro.
(II) A coordenação entre mãos e olhos é necessária somente para desenhar, mas não para caçar.
(III) As diferenças artísticas entre os Neandertais e o Homo sapiens podem estar relacionadas aos seus estilos de caça.
(IV) Os primeiros Homo sapiens também não conseguiam desenhar os animais que caçavam.
(V) Essas diferenças podem explicar por que os humanos se tornaram mais coordenados que os Neandertais.
De acordo com o texto de referência, estão erradas apenas as assertivas:
I, III e IV.
I, IV e V.
II e IV.
I, II e III.
IV e V.
Norma is learning how to use a computer. Read one of her questions to her instructor.
Norma: “What should I do now?”
Instructor: “Put the cursor on the toolbar ____________.”
The option that completes the instructor’s answer is:
selected a command.
to selecting a command.
select a command.
selecting a command.
to select a command.
Leia sobre como praticar a habilidade de listening online por meio de podcasts (arquivos de áudio).
Learn English with free podcasts
Living in the digital age has quite a few benefits – especially when it comes to (cat videos and) language learning. You can improve your English at the push of a button – for example with podcasts. To get you started, here are the best podcasts for elementary learners. Happy listening!
Elementary-level podcasts
1) Learn English
Let’s start with ‘Learn English’ – a fantastic podcast from the British Council. The episodes are discussion-based and cover everyday vocabulary and situations. This website also offers a lot of free support material. You can download each episode’s transcript and also take short quizzes to test your recently acquired knowledge. It’s the best way to retain new words and make quick progress.
2) Voice of America
Do you want to improve your English while listening to current and interesting topics? Then, ‘Voice of America: Learning English’ is for you! It has different kinds of audio programs covering different interests and narrated at a slower speed. The “American Mosaic” program discusses pop culture in the United States – such as the new movies. Meanwhile, U.S. history fans will enjoy “The Making of a Nation”. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: other podcasts focus on science and even grammar – so in addition to learning English, you’ll get super smart, too!
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 maio 2018.
Agora, marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) de acordo com o texto, e escolha a sequência correta:
( ) No site Learn English, pode-se responder perguntas sobre podcasts a respeito de atividades do dia a dia.
( ) Esse site oferece podcasts em forma de diálogos, assim como suas transcrições, e bastante material gratuito.
( ) Também é possível aprender e praticar speaking no site Learn English.
( ) No site Voice of America, pode-se ouvir diferentes podcasts sobre temas atuais gravados em um ritmo mais lento.
( ) Nesse site, você pode ouvir podcasts variados e acessar outros tipos de material extra.
F – F – V – V – F.
F – V – V – V – F.
V – V – F – V – F.
V – F – F – F – V.
V – F – F – V – V.
Read the following text about some of the Zikas features and observe the conjunction "if" in bold:
The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 14 mar. 2017.
Considering its meaning, "if" could be replaced by the following conjunction:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
(I) deve-se considerar o nível do aprendiz e apresentá-lo a textos autênticos progressivamente.
(II) esse tipo de material deve ser introduzido nas séries finais, quando o aluno estiver preparado.
(III) os “textos autênticos” são os que circulam nos meios sociais e podem ser escritos ou falados.
(IV) textos longos são os mais indicados para esse tipo de trabalho, por sua variedade de itens.
(V) os textos devem ser buscados em diferentes fontes e abordar assuntos atuais e interessantes.
As assertivas que se referem a cuidados a serem tomados durante o trabalho com textos autênticos nas aulas de língua inglesa são:
I, II e IV.
I, III e V.
II, III e V.
I, III e IV.
Read the text below and get acquainted with one of the most important Brazilian capitals.
With its 19th century architecture, Belém retains shades of the “Tropical Paris”
The capital of Pará received 640,000 visitors in 2015. Walking through the city, they would no doubt have stumbled across traces of its former rubber glory, like the Theatro da Paz, built in 1878.
It was built by rubber barons and used to receive operas and foreign theatre companies. It is still in use today, hosting Brazilian companies and an opera festival. The building is open to tourists, and entry costs R$6 (US $1.46).
By the waterfront in the old city, the Ver-o-Peso open-air market is unmissable. Visitors can see women making tacacá (manioc soup) and buy chestnuts, açaí, the medicinal herb jambu and many other local products.
If hunger strikes, stalls sell fish with açaí - a local delicacy. The fruit is served unsweetened, without the sugar that tends to be added in São Paulo and Rio.
A little further on is Mangal das Garças, a park opened in 2005. It is 40,000m2 and entry is free. It has flamingos and wild lizards, as well as a butterfly house - a reminder, that in spite of its rubber belle époque, Belém remains at the heart of the Amazon.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 fev. 2016.
According to the text, consider the following statements about the touristic attractions of Belém:
I) visitors are charged to access an attraction that houses animals.
II) traditional goods are found in the contemporary part of Belém.
III) profits of rubber commerce helped build a great cultural space.
IV) local stalls have a particular way to prepare a well-known fruit.
It is only correct what is stated on:
II and IV.
I and III.
II and III.
I and IV.
III and IV.
Leia, a seguir, um trecho de reportagem sobre os homens Neandertais.
Neanderthals' lack of artistic skills may have led to their extinction because they were unable to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to hunt
Neanderthal art is not known for being impressive. Unlike Homo sapiens, our ancient cousins were unable to draw recognisable images of animals or people. Now, new research claims this lack of artistic ability was closely related to Neanderthals' inferior hunting skills. Both drawing and hunting require hand-eye coordination, which Neanderthals did not have – a fact that scientists say may have led to their extinction.
Neanderthals existed mainly in Eurasia between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago and used thrusting spears at close range to kill horses, reindeer, bison, and other large game that had not developed an innate wariness of humans. Meanwhile, early humans (Homo Sapiens) hunted dangerous animals using throwing spears in sub-Saharan Africa for more than 500,000 years.
Throwing spears, rather than thrusting them, made hunters better at visualisation. As a result, Homo Sapiens developed a bigger parietal cortex – the area in the brain that integrates visual input and motor skills. This meant that they could also make art about hunting, which acted as a type of practice for our ancestors, because drawing developed their hand-eye coordination.
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2018.
to hunt = caçar
thrusting spears = lanças de mão
throwing spears = lanças de arremessar
throw = arremessar
at close range = a curta distância
game = a atividade de caça esportiva ou para consumo; ou os animais caçados
Leias as assertivas a seguir com base no texto sobre os Neandertais:
(I) Apesar de terem cérebros grandes, os Neandertais não desenhavam de modo claro.
(II) A coordenação entre mãos e olhos é necessária somente para desenhar, mas não para caçar.
(III) As diferenças artísticas entre os Neandertais e o Homo sapiens podem estar relacionadas aos seus estilos de caça.
(IV) Os primeiros Homo sapiens também não conseguiam desenhar os animais que caçavam.
(V) Essas diferenças podem explicar por que os humanos se tornaram mais coordenados que os Neandertais.
De acordo com o texto de referência, estão erradas apenas as assertivas:
I, III e IV.
I, IV e V.
II e IV.
I, II e III.
IV e V.
Norma is learning how to use a computer. Read one of her questions to her instructor.
Norma: “What should I do now?”
Instructor: “Put the cursor on the toolbar ____________.”
The option that completes the instructor’s answer is:
selected a command.
to selecting a command.
select a command.
selecting a command.
to select a command.
Leia sobre como praticar a habilidade de listening online por meio de podcasts (arquivos de áudio).
Learn English with free podcasts
Living in the digital age has quite a few benefits – especially when it comes to (cat videos and) language learning. You can improve your English at the push of a button – for example with podcasts. To get you started, here are the best podcasts for elementary learners. Happy listening!
Elementary-level podcasts
1) Learn English
Let’s start with ‘Learn English’ – a fantastic podcast from the British Council. The episodes are discussion-based and cover everyday vocabulary and situations. This website also offers a lot of free support material. You can download each episode’s transcript and also take short quizzes to test your recently acquired knowledge. It’s the best way to retain new words and make quick progress.
2) Voice of America
Do you want to improve your English while listening to current and interesting topics? Then, ‘Voice of America: Learning English’ is for you! It has different kinds of audio programs covering different interests and narrated at a slower speed. The “American Mosaic” program discusses pop culture in the United States – such as the new movies. Meanwhile, U.S. history fans will enjoy “The Making of a Nation”. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: other podcasts focus on science and even grammar – so in addition to learning English, you’ll get super smart, too!
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 maio 2018.
Agora, marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) de acordo com o texto, e escolha a sequência correta:
( ) No site Learn English, pode-se responder perguntas sobre podcasts a respeito de atividades do dia a dia.
( ) Esse site oferece podcasts em forma de diálogos, assim como suas transcrições, e bastante material gratuito.
( ) Também é possível aprender e praticar speaking no site Learn English.
( ) No site Voice of America, pode-se ouvir diferentes podcasts sobre temas atuais gravados em um ritmo mais lento.
( ) Nesse site, você pode ouvir podcasts variados e acessar outros tipos de material extra.
F – F – V – V – F.
F – V – V – V – F.
V – V – F – V – F.
V – F – F – F – V.
V – F – F – V – V.
Read the following text about some of the Zikas features and observe the conjunction "if" in bold:
The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 14 mar. 2017.
Considering its meaning, "if" could be replaced by the following conjunction:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
II and IV.
I and III.
II and III.
I and IV.
III and IV.
Leia, a seguir, um trecho de reportagem sobre os homens Neandertais.
Neanderthals' lack of artistic skills may have led to their extinction because they were unable to develop the hand-eye coordination needed to hunt
Neanderthal art is not known for being impressive. Unlike Homo sapiens, our ancient cousins were unable to draw recognisable images of animals or people. Now, new research claims this lack of artistic ability was closely related to Neanderthals' inferior hunting skills. Both drawing and hunting require hand-eye coordination, which Neanderthals did not have – a fact that scientists say may have led to their extinction.
Neanderthals existed mainly in Eurasia between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago and used thrusting spears at close range to kill horses, reindeer, bison, and other large game that had not developed an innate wariness of humans. Meanwhile, early humans (Homo Sapiens) hunted dangerous animals using throwing spears in sub-Saharan Africa for more than 500,000 years.
Throwing spears, rather than thrusting them, made hunters better at visualisation. As a result, Homo Sapiens developed a bigger parietal cortex – the area in the brain that integrates visual input and motor skills. This meant that they could also make art about hunting, which acted as a type of practice for our ancestors, because drawing developed their hand-eye coordination.
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 20 fev. 2018.
to hunt = caçar
thrusting spears = lanças de mão
throwing spears = lanças de arremessar
throw = arremessar
at close range = a curta distância
game = a atividade de caça esportiva ou para consumo; ou os animais caçados
Leias as assertivas a seguir com base no texto sobre os Neandertais:
(I) Apesar de terem cérebros grandes, os Neandertais não desenhavam de modo claro.
(II) A coordenação entre mãos e olhos é necessária somente para desenhar, mas não para caçar.
(III) As diferenças artísticas entre os Neandertais e o Homo sapiens podem estar relacionadas aos seus estilos de caça.
(IV) Os primeiros Homo sapiens também não conseguiam desenhar os animais que caçavam.
(V) Essas diferenças podem explicar por que os humanos se tornaram mais coordenados que os Neandertais.
De acordo com o texto de referência, estão erradas apenas as assertivas:
I, III e IV.
I, IV e V.
II e IV.
I, II e III.
IV e V.
Norma is learning how to use a computer. Read one of her questions to her instructor.
Norma: “What should I do now?”
Instructor: “Put the cursor on the toolbar ____________.”
The option that completes the instructor’s answer is:
selected a command.
to selecting a command.
select a command.
selecting a command.
to select a command.
Leia sobre como praticar a habilidade de listening online por meio de podcasts (arquivos de áudio).
Learn English with free podcasts
Living in the digital age has quite a few benefits – especially when it comes to (cat videos and) language learning. You can improve your English at the push of a button – for example with podcasts. To get you started, here are the best podcasts for elementary learners. Happy listening!
Elementary-level podcasts
1) Learn English
Let’s start with ‘Learn English’ – a fantastic podcast from the British Council. The episodes are discussion-based and cover everyday vocabulary and situations. This website also offers a lot of free support material. You can download each episode’s transcript and also take short quizzes to test your recently acquired knowledge. It’s the best way to retain new words and make quick progress.
2) Voice of America
Do you want to improve your English while listening to current and interesting topics? Then, ‘Voice of America: Learning English’ is for you! It has different kinds of audio programs covering different interests and narrated at a slower speed. The “American Mosaic” program discusses pop culture in the United States – such as the new movies. Meanwhile, U.S. history fans will enjoy “The Making of a Nation”. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: other podcasts focus on science and even grammar – so in addition to learning English, you’ll get super smart, too!
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 maio 2018.
Agora, marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) de acordo com o texto, e escolha a sequência correta:
( ) No site Learn English, pode-se responder perguntas sobre podcasts a respeito de atividades do dia a dia.
( ) Esse site oferece podcasts em forma de diálogos, assim como suas transcrições, e bastante material gratuito.
( ) Também é possível aprender e praticar speaking no site Learn English.
( ) No site Voice of America, pode-se ouvir diferentes podcasts sobre temas atuais gravados em um ritmo mais lento.
( ) Nesse site, você pode ouvir podcasts variados e acessar outros tipos de material extra.
F – F – V – V – F.
F – V – V – V – F.
V – V – F – V – F.
V – F – F – F – V.
V – F – F – V – V.
Read the following text about some of the Zikas features and observe the conjunction "if" in bold:
The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 14 mar. 2017.
Considering its meaning, "if" could be replaced by the following conjunction:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
I, III e IV.
I, IV e V.
II e IV.
I, II e III.
IV e V.
Norma is learning how to use a computer. Read one of her questions to her instructor.
Norma: “What should I do now?”
Instructor: “Put the cursor on the toolbar ____________.”
The option that completes the instructor’s answer is:
selected a command.
to selecting a command.
select a command.
selecting a command.
to select a command.
Leia sobre como praticar a habilidade de listening online por meio de podcasts (arquivos de áudio).
Learn English with free podcasts
Living in the digital age has quite a few benefits – especially when it comes to (cat videos and) language learning. You can improve your English at the push of a button – for example with podcasts. To get you started, here are the best podcasts for elementary learners. Happy listening!
Elementary-level podcasts
1) Learn English
Let’s start with ‘Learn English’ – a fantastic podcast from the British Council. The episodes are discussion-based and cover everyday vocabulary and situations. This website also offers a lot of free support material. You can download each episode’s transcript and also take short quizzes to test your recently acquired knowledge. It’s the best way to retain new words and make quick progress.
2) Voice of America
Do you want to improve your English while listening to current and interesting topics? Then, ‘Voice of America: Learning English’ is for you! It has different kinds of audio programs covering different interests and narrated at a slower speed. The “American Mosaic” program discusses pop culture in the United States – such as the new movies. Meanwhile, U.S. history fans will enjoy “The Making of a Nation”. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: other podcasts focus on science and even grammar – so in addition to learning English, you’ll get super smart, too!
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 maio 2018.
Agora, marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) de acordo com o texto, e escolha a sequência correta:
( ) No site Learn English, pode-se responder perguntas sobre podcasts a respeito de atividades do dia a dia.
( ) Esse site oferece podcasts em forma de diálogos, assim como suas transcrições, e bastante material gratuito.
( ) Também é possível aprender e praticar speaking no site Learn English.
( ) No site Voice of America, pode-se ouvir diferentes podcasts sobre temas atuais gravados em um ritmo mais lento.
( ) Nesse site, você pode ouvir podcasts variados e acessar outros tipos de material extra.
F – F – V – V – F.
F – V – V – V – F.
V – V – F – V – F.
V – F – F – F – V.
V – F – F – V – V.
Read the following text about some of the Zikas features and observe the conjunction "if" in bold:
The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 14 mar. 2017.
Considering its meaning, "if" could be replaced by the following conjunction:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
selected a command.
to selecting a command.
select a command.
selecting a command.
to select a command.
Leia sobre como praticar a habilidade de listening online por meio de podcasts (arquivos de áudio).
Learn English with free podcasts
Living in the digital age has quite a few benefits – especially when it comes to (cat videos and) language learning. You can improve your English at the push of a button – for example with podcasts. To get you started, here are the best podcasts for elementary learners. Happy listening!
Elementary-level podcasts
1) Learn English
Let’s start with ‘Learn English’ – a fantastic podcast from the British Council. The episodes are discussion-based and cover everyday vocabulary and situations. This website also offers a lot of free support material. You can download each episode’s transcript and also take short quizzes to test your recently acquired knowledge. It’s the best way to retain new words and make quick progress.
2) Voice of America
Do you want to improve your English while listening to current and interesting topics? Then, ‘Voice of America: Learning English’ is for you! It has different kinds of audio programs covering different interests and narrated at a slower speed. The “American Mosaic” program discusses pop culture in the United States – such as the new movies. Meanwhile, U.S. history fans will enjoy “The Making of a Nation”. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg: other podcasts focus on science and even grammar – so in addition to learning English, you’ll get super smart, too!
Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 29 maio 2018.
Agora, marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) de acordo com o texto, e escolha a sequência correta:
( ) No site Learn English, pode-se responder perguntas sobre podcasts a respeito de atividades do dia a dia.
( ) Esse site oferece podcasts em forma de diálogos, assim como suas transcrições, e bastante material gratuito.
( ) Também é possível aprender e praticar speaking no site Learn English.
( ) No site Voice of America, pode-se ouvir diferentes podcasts sobre temas atuais gravados em um ritmo mais lento.
( ) Nesse site, você pode ouvir podcasts variados e acessar outros tipos de material extra.
F – F – V – V – F.
F – V – V – V – F.
V – V – F – V – F.
V – F – F – F – V.
V – F – F – V – V.
Read the following text about some of the Zikas features and observe the conjunction "if" in bold:
The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 14 mar. 2017.
Considering its meaning, "if" could be replaced by the following conjunction:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
F – F – V – V – F.
F – V – V – V – F.
V – V – F – V – F.
V – F – F – F – V.
V – F – F – V – V.
Read the following text about some of the Zikas features and observe the conjunction "if" in bold:
The severity varies, but it can be deadly if the brain is so underdeveloped that it cannot regulate the functions vital to life.
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 14 mar. 2017.
Considering its meaning, "if" could be replaced by the following conjunction:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
Um professor de inglês fez a seguinte pergunta a um aluno cego durante uma aula sobre “materiais”:
“This ball feels incredibly light and uniform. It’s not rigid at all and it bounces really high! What’s it made of?”
Preste atenção aos adjetivos que qualificam a bola. A resposta mais adequada para a pergunta “De que a bola é feita” é:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
“It’s made of metal.”
“It’s made of glass.”
“It’s made of wood.”
“It’s made of paper.”
“It’s made of plastic.”
Observar a ordem das palavras (word order) é fator determinante não só para a correta construção gramatical, mas, também, para a construção do significado. Assim, das sentenças a seguir, aquela que obedece à correta norma de disposição de palavras na língua inglesa é:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.
Em uma coluna de jornal, Paul escreve para a conselheira Amanda ao notar que recebeu um produto melhor do que aquele que havia contratado.
Leia sua carta a seguir, considerando o termo em negrito:
"Dear Amanda:
I reserved a compact car at a rental shop, but when I went to pick it up, they gave me a luxury car for the same price. Should I tell them that they made a big mistake?
Texto adaptado. SASLOW et. al., 2006, p.85
A partir de seus estudos sobre coesão, é possível afirmar que o termo "it", destacado em negrito, tem como referente o seguinte:
You sometimes are moody in the morning.
Julian feels depressed from time to time.
I have every day to attend the arts school.
Mary visits once a year in Florida her son.
Explain to the doctor clearly your problem.